Catch Simon in festive TV movie

Monday 20th December, 2021

By Stuart Newman

Popular late Club Member to appear in Lost at Christmas rom-com

What better way to remember, and raise a glass to, popular late Club Member Simon Laidlaw by tuning in to Lost at Christmas, a feel-good festive rom-com that will be premiered on TV this yuletide.

Former Scottish Region Secretary Simon, who ran his own video production company in Glasgow (Cut Mustard), acted as an associate producer and cameraman on the 2020 British film shot in Scotland.

Not only that, but Simon also appears briefly in the 94-minute movie as a taxi driver – although we’re not sure whether or not it was at the wheel of Ethel, his beloved 1929 4½ Litre (see Review issue 330, August 2020).

The plot revolves around two strangers (Kenny Boyle and Natalie Clark), heartbroken and stranded in the Scottish Highlands on Christmas Eve, who team up in an effort get home in time for Christmas. 

The film will be shown as follows:
BBC1 in England: Christmas morning (1am) 
BBC Scotland: 20 December (10pm) and Christmas Day (9.30pm)
It can also be downloaded on BBC iPlayer.

Simon, who sadly passed away last month aged just 49, had also lent his expertise to filming leading Club events such as BDC Silverstone and this year’s AGM at Wroxton.

For more details on the film, click here.

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