Display your Bentley at Pageant of Motoring

Monday 31st January, 2022

By Stuart Newman

Members' invite to join Queen's Platinum Jubilee event at Sandringham

Fancy showing off your Bentley in the elegant Royal Parkland surroundings of historic Sandringham this summer?

The organisers of a special Pageant of Motoring, to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year, are inviting BDC Members to display their cars at Her Majesty’s Norfolk country estate on Sunday 5 June.

There will be space for 50 Members’ cars, of all ages, to be displayed, with the pageant showcasing seven decades of motoring – and the Bentley marque will be at the forefront.

You can also play your part in helping the BDC in its bid to win the best presented club stand award.

Members displaying their cars will receive a free exclusive commemorative plaque and discounted show admission for driver and passenger.

Thrilling aerial displays, live music, and a craft and vintage fair will add to the ambience of the day-long event.

If you are interested in displaying your Bentley, whatever its age, please contact Eastern Region Chairman John Godwin to register your interest and for more details. John’s email address is: john@john-godwin.com

Cost: £10 per vehicle including two entry tickets.

More details at the official pageant website – click here.

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